Sex talk

masturbation for women featured

How To Masturbate [Women’s Bodies]

It is possible that masturbation is the best way to find out what excites you since you can do it all by yourself and on your own terms. People who grew up as girls and women can be conditioned in various ways to take...

How To Suggest a New Sexual Activity to a Partner

It is risky to suggest a new sexual activity to your partner. You are both stretching the boundaries of your current sexual connection while revealing a previously hidden sexual desire or interest. Trying new sexual...

How To Talk About Differences in Sex Drive Featured

How To Talk About Differences in Sex Drive

When your long-term relationship hits a point when your sex drives differ, issues in talking about sex can quickly become accentuated, and even if you’ve attempted to talk about it multiple times, you may feel...

Advanced Masturbation Techniques

What distinguishes advanced masturbation from novice masturbation? Since masturbation is all about satisfying yourself, you are both the judge and the jury when it comes to determining what constitutes an excellent...

Should I be concerned about the size of my labia?

There is no objective “ideal labia” any more than there is an ideal hair length or nose size (although in my case, I’d have to say “ideal” would mean just a little bit smaller). There are many reasons to cut your hair...

Female Ejaculation Featured

Female Ejaculation – Learn All About It

Medical debates about female ejaculation have been raging for decades. On one side of the ring are doctors, who assert that there is no such thing as female ejaculation. They claim there’s no way a woman can...

Should I Be Worried if I Never Masturbate?

Should I Be Worried if I Never Masturbate?

This is a uniquely modern sexual concern. Long ago, the medical community told us that masturbation was bad for our health but now masturbation is often promoted as a necessary part of healthy sexuality. Masturbation is...

Low pressure ejaculation featured

Low Pressure Ejaculation

Question: Low-Pressure Ejaculation I am 52, my heath is good. I go to the gym five times a week, I’m 5’ 7″ and 160 pounds. I do not know a lot of medical terms, but here’s the story: I don’t know how...

How to find the G-spot featured

Where is my G-spot

Question: Where is my G-spot? “I have a very simple question: Does the G-spot exist? I’ve looked everywhere, but I still can’t find mine! Help!!” Answer: You’d think this would be a simple question, but it...